
Showing posts with the label Biological agents and infection control | जैविक एजेंट्स और संक्रमण नियंत्रण

Biological agents and infection control | जैविक एजेंट्स और संक्रमण नियंत्रण

 Biological agents and infection Fungi- eg. moulds, yeast & mushrooms etc. Bacteria- leptospirosis, cholera etc. Viruses- influenza, hepatitis etc. Prions- eg. CJD or "mad cow" Biological agents and infection control Cleaning/disinfecting/personal hygiene  Water treatment  Pest control  Procedures for handling  Containment & disposal of wastes  Immunization (vaccination) to build resistance to specific infections Health surveillance strategies Specific training  PPE/Personal Protective Equipment. Form of chemical agent Chemical substance differ widely with the physical form in which chemical substance can easily enter the human body that of a physical forms. The physical forms of chemicals include: Solid-  A solid block of materials. Dust-  Very small solid particles normally created by grinding, polishing, milling, blasting etc. Fume-  Fume is compo...